Los Chicos



Spanish punk/garage legends Los Chicos have been playing their brand of high energy rock and roll for a quarter of a century now, and their eight LP, Never is Too Much is possibly the best recording yet. Produced by Mike Mariconda (Raunch Hands), Never is Too Much is a is real balls to the wall rock n roll that should be the soundtrack to any decent party.

On the ever of the bands seventh Australian tour, we spoke with lead singer Rafa, from his home, with his amazing record collection is the background, making me cry by telling me he recently culled 500.

Munster: was 2018 your last tour of Australia?

Rafa: that was our sixth tour, which is crazy, I’ve lost count of the times we’ve come to Australia, never thought I would say that (laughs). That tour was awesome, we got to support Radio Birdman, that was the second time we toured with them. It was fucking amazing. It was great as we got a chance to play six-seven dates, we’ve all been big fans since we were teenagers really. Around that, we did our own headline shows, so it was magical, getting to know the guys. Its funny getting to meet your heroes even though there our friends now. They still are our heroes, but also our regular, amazing friends.

Munster: well, your new tour that starts next week, you’re going to be playing with the Hard Ons, the Meanies, Mach Pelican, and I gig I’ve had a hand in with Private Function……

Rafa: that shows going to be fantastic, with JJ McCann too. He was like the third rock n roll guy we meet on our first Australian tour. He was at the Tote, and Sencer P Jones was saying, “oh that’s James, he was in the Sacred Cowboys”. And he was so nice, asking me where I bought my clothes, thanks for setting it up.

Munster: that must be a huge kick getting to play with all these bands you’ve followed for a long time.

Rafa: yeah, it’s insane for us, we don’t get used to that. We’re big fans of music, and the Hard Ons is one of my favourite bands ever. When I got rid of a few of my records, 500 of them, one thing I said to myself was, I don’t need to have ever record in the entire discography of every band I like. With the Hard Ons, I couldn’t get rid of any of them. So, it’s a big deal for us, and we laugh about it, but the best part of Australia is all the bands we get to see. To be a music fan and play with these bands, who in my opinion are top of the league, worldwide, in the history of music. The Hard Ons are an all time fav of mine, and its cool there getting that respect, there becoming an iconic band……

Munster: so iconic there getting the doco treatment, and well deserved.

Rafa: have you seen it?

Munster: not yet, hasn’t come to Melbourne yet.

Rafa: can’t wait. I remember a DVD of a doco they made of them touring Europe. They’ve been going on forever, small venues and sleeping on floors, that’s how they’ve lived forever, I have total respect for those guys. Private Function are on there way to being icons, as they’re crazy and so special. As with New Christs. I know they very randomly play these days, but we have a close relationship with those guys. We feel very privileged to know all these guys.

Munster: you have had a few releases on Cheersquad, I take it you and Wally crossed paths somewhere when one band was on tour?

Rafa: we met Wally once before we got close with him, we met him in Spain when he was playing with the Meanies at a festival. Long time again, we were drunk the whole weekend. We met at the Old Bar after one of our shows, he was there and we had great fun, our show went down well, and I know the guy a lot now, but that night he was on top of his level being funny. He said I can put together some gigs next time you come, keep in touch. Our first tour was set up by Johnny Casino, he’s like a brother to us. Then Wally took it from there. then he did his record label. With our last record he said he can put it out, but you’ll have to play some shows. We were going to say that, but he said it first. Awesome guy. We also get to hang with him when he comes to Spain, we have a close relationship with the Meanies, they have a big hearts, but the music’s different, but when you see the bands together it works. It’s a strange brotherhood but it works.

Munster: what is it about oz music translates so well across Europe, indie underground Oz rock anyway?

Rafa: I think, at least in Spain, I was thinking about this the other day, we all love British rock and roll and American rock, but Australian’s, and I think this is why we get on well, you’ve welcomed us so warmly and we fit together, because your not like the American and British, you have more passion, I’ve seen it at parties, at demonstrations. Like the rally for the Tote, that could only happen in Australia. That’s why you take the US and UK rock n roll, and you take more passion and energy in it. like Bored and the Powder Moneys, even the Triffids, just that extra passion. You get that in most of the good Australian Bands, and you can feel it. so that’s my theory.

Munster: How many gigs do you guys usually play in Europe a year?

Rafa: we have a thing with Europe, we focus on Spain too much. We get asked to play a lot in Spain, so what we do is say no to gigs as a lot of people ask us to play their gigs. That’s a reason why it took us five years to record an LP, as we play in Spain a lot, and taken us from playing the rets of Europe. We go to the UK, then we do the Australian gigs. But all the gigs in Spain and Australia we forget a little bit about the rest of Europe. We need to get back to Sweden, France. Usually we play maybe an average of two gigs, maybe four a month. Any tour that might come up, like Australia, 12 gigs in 10 days. We all work and other stuff so its not like this is our only thing. If it was, we would have been dead by now. or certainly not be together for 25 years. One of the secrets is it’s not a job or an obligation. It’s a duty. You might feel like you want to stay at home and not play, and play your records, but you get out and play and you always feel better for it. after 25 years, after an awful week you might think I wish I could rest. But you don’t, you do your duty and play with your band. It’s a commitment.

Munster: any other great Spanish bands on your radar we should be aware of?

Rafa: Senior No, they did one Australian tour, which is like Mr No. they study a lot of the high energy Australian music. Another band, Lie Detectors. Its funny we’re Los Chicos, we sing in English, and there Lie Detectors and they sing in Spanish. They are great fun to watch and have a great video out. And a 90s band called Aerobitch, like Aerosmith, but Aerobitch. They play punk rock. They got a letter from Aerosmith saying drop the name or legal action will happen. Nothing happened and they framed the letter. Through them that was how I found the Powder Monkeys, they put on gigs and they brought the Powder Monkeys to Madrid. They even played with Bored! And very important in our scene. They were straight up punk rock, we all come from punk rock, I think we’re more rock in roll, but at heart we’re all punk kids.


Thu 31 Oct - Old Bar, Fitzroy w/ Mesa Cosa + The Breadmakers -

Fri 1 Nov - The Tote. Collingwood w/ The Hard-Ons * - 

Sat 2 Nov - Volta, Ballarat w/ The Meanies * - 

Sun 3 Nov arvo - Red Hill Hotel, Chewton w/ Hard-Ons -  

Sun 3 Nov evening - St.Kilda Bowls Club w/ Private Function + JJ McCann  Transmission *- door sales only

Mon Nov 4 (Cup Eve) - Evelyn Hotel, Fitzroy w/ Mach Pelican *

Fri Nov 8 - Marrickville Bowlo w/ New Christs + Crankees * - 

Sat Nov 9 - River Rocks, Barwon Club, Geelong - 

Sun Nov 10 - River Rocks Rehab, Barwon Club, Geelong -

* plus Human Toys (France)


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