Munster Times: the Digital edition of Matt Ryan's Rock 'n' Roll fanzine!

Hello Rock fans! This is Matt 'Munster' Ryan coming at you from the world's number one venue-per-capita city in the world; Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, the third dimension (if you don't count time). More specifically, the epicentre of Melbourne's Rock scene, the legendary inner-city bayside suburb of St Kilda!!

Munster Times covers all things Rock and all things Footy, with a little philosophy and poetry thrown in but usually missing. Guest artists of world renown, or a volunteer with me in the pub when I said "I need a cover", usually do the the Munster Times covers.

A lot of people ask, "Is it true you were raised in Dingley?" As you know, the Dingley International Hotel has been the focus of a lot of media attention, an endless parade of celebrities and the occasional scandal. None of that has anything to do with me so I'd like to quash and squash those rumours. Kylie and I weren't really a thing and I only had Julian Assange in there for a few days. 

So please read, enjoy, ad tap into the collective wisdom of some of the greatest entertainers ever to walk onto a stage.


  1. Ay my KneeGrow. #funny #2020 #DonaldTrumpForPresident2024 #Bodyguard #EaringMuch

    1. Very funny. I lagged in Cod Last night. My mom caught me masturbating. Very funny Twomad Baba Booey

    2. Funny poop. Funny KneeGrow. #KimJongUnForPresident2024 #SlaveryWasVeryBad #SlaveryWasFurry


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